Master în Finanțe, Contabilitate și Management
Bradford, Regatul Unit
12 up to 27 Months
La zi, Part time
Solicitați termenul limită de aplicare
Sep 2025
GBP 20.468 *
În campus
* internațional: 18.566 GBP
Programul combină finanțele și contabilitatea cu o examinare detaliată a altor discipline necesare pentru managementul organizațiilor. Acest lucru vă permite, de asemenea, să luați în considerare luarea deciziilor financiare din mai multe perspective. Veți putea să vă aplicați cunoștințele și abilitățile dobândite de la aceste discipline în dizertația finală.
Elementele cheie includ:
- economia afacerilor
- de gestionare a operațiunilor
- contabilitate strategică și management financiar
- afaceri internationale
- planificarea și strategia de marketing
Pe măsură ce veți studia și obțineți abilități în toate domeniile de afaceri, veți avea o gamă largă de căi de carieră deschise la absolvire. Veți putea explora în continuare pentru a studia pentru o calificare profesională de contabilitate după finalizarea acestui program.
Acreditare profesională
Suntem mândri să fim într-un grup de elită de școli de afaceri care dețin acreditările triple Equis, AMBA și AACSB, adesea denumite „Triple Crown”.
Asociația Contabililor Autorizați (ACCA) acreditează acest program. Aceasta înseamnă că, prin finalizarea cu succes a diplomei, sunteți eligibil pentru scutiri de la unele examene de nivel fundamental ACCA.

Burse și finanțare
We award numerous non-repayable scholarships to UK, EU, and international students every year based on academic excellence, personal circumstances, or economic hardship.
What you will study
All module information is for 2023 entry and is subject to change.
- Strategic Management
- Analytics in Finance and Accounting
- Operations Management
- Business Economics
- Contemporary Issues in Accounting and Finance*
- Strategic Management Accounting*
- Dissertation
- International Finance*
- Corporate Finance*
- Accounting and Finance
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- International Master's Summer School
- International Master's Summer School (Non-Credit Bearing)
*These modules contribute towards exemptions from the professional qualification of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.
Learning and assessment
The program is summatively assessed by a mixture of written examinations, assessed coursework, case studies, group projects, and multimedia presentations.
Assessment is integrated with learning and teaching to support and demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes for individual modules and the program as a whole. Emphasis is placed on the feedback function of formative assessment as part of the learning, teaching, and assessment strategy as a whole.
Taxa de școlarizare a programului
Oportunități de carieră
Career support
The University is committed to helping students develop and enhance employability and this is an integral part of many programs. Specialist support is available throughout the course from Career and Employability Services including help to find part-time work while studying, placements, vacation work, and graduate vacancies.
Discussing options with specialist advisers helps to clarify plans through exploring options and refining skills of job-hunting. In most of our programs, there is direct input by Career Development Advisers into the curriculum or through specially arranged workshops.
Career Booster
During your time studying at the Faculty of Management, Law and Social Sciences you will have the opportunity to take part in our distinctive career booster programme throughout your course. The program is designed to equip you with the necessary skills and graduate attributes to be job-ready when seeking employment with leading innovative organizations. The Career Booster Programme offers you the opportunity to gain certificates in:
- The European Computer Driving License (ECDL) - the benchmark for digital literacy
- Sage 50 Accounting and Sage 50 Payroll - training that will allow you to develop leading accounting and payroll software skills
- Project Manager Professional certificates - giving you the edge when seeking to become a Certified Project Manager
- Big Data analysis and reporting skills - using Software and Services (SAS) that will lead to certification
In addition, the program will also include activities to promote teamwork, confidence, communication, and many other skills sought by employers.
Developing a portfolio of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Certificates will demonstrate to employers that you are not only ambitious but also take responsibility for your professional development.
Career prospects
Our graduates are highly sought after for careers in management, consultancy, or advanced management studies.
Furnizarea programului
- 14 months January start
- 12 months September start
- 27 months January start
- 24 months September start