Legea MRes
London, Regatul Unit
1 Years
La zi
Solicitați termenul limită de aplicare
Sep 2024
GBP 25.740 / per year *
În campus
* taxe de normă întreagă din Marea Britanie; 23.680 GBP: taxe cu normă întreagă din Regatul Unit
Mode of Attendance: Full-time
MRes in Law își propune să ofere studenților abilități avansate în cercetarea juridică, capacitatea de a întreprinde analize la nivel înalt a dreptului și problemelor juridice, cu accent pe domeniile de cercetare specifice Facultății de Drept de la SOAS , o înțelegere a metodelor de cercetare. care stau la baza disciplinei și a locului său în științele umaniste și sociale, o bază în metodele de cercetare juridică și etica cercetării juridice.
MRes in Law este potrivit în special candidaților care doresc să întreprindă un doctorat sau o cercetare profesională în drept. Pregătește studenții pentru a efectua cercetări de înaltă calitate.
De ce să studiezi MRes în Drept la SOAS
- Suntem în Top 20 din Marea Britanie și în Top 200 mondial pentru Drept (QS World University Rankings 2021)
- SOAS MRes in Law este o calificare unică care reunește o pregătire aprofundată în cercetare și metode de cercetare axate pe cercetarea făcută în Facultatea de Drept. Acest lucru este combinat cu alte cursuri care sunt specifice SOAS și adesea nu sunt disponibile în altă parte
- Gradul a fost dezvoltat pentru a satisface atât nevoile cercetătorilor, cât și ale practicienilor. Prin urmare, programul este ideal pentru pregătirea pentru un doctorat în drept la SOAS sau, alternativ, ca o calificare independentă, de exemplu, pentru locuri de muncă care necesită o cercetare aprofundată a politicilor.
Centrul pentru Dreptul Drepturilor Omului
The area of human rights, conflict and justice occupies an important place in the SOAS School of Law, which is home to the SOAS Centre for Human Rights Law. The Centre provides a focal point for research activities and regular events, and an opportunity for postgraduate students to become involved and engage with the SOAS research community and actors in the field.
Studenții trebuie să susțină module în valoare totală de 180 de credite, constând dintr-o disertație (90 de credite) și 90 de credite de module predate. Modulele predate valorează fie 15, fie 30 de credite.
Please note that not all modules listed will be available every year.
- Research Methods in Law
- MRes in Law Dissertation
Guided Options List A
Minim 30 de credite din Lista A
- Gender and the Law of War
- Human Rights of Women
- Law and Natural Resources
- Law, Religion, and the State in South Asia
- International Human Rights Clinic
- Human Rights and Islamic Law
- International Commercial Arbitration
- Law and Development in Africa
- Intellectual Property Law (PG)
- International laws on the use of force
- Foundations of International Law
- The Law of Armed Conflict
- Colonialism, Empire and International Law
- Water Justice: Rights, Access and Movements
- Comparative Constitutional Law
- Law and Society in Southeast Asia
- Law and Postcolonial Theory
- International Criminal Law
- Gender, Law and Society in The Middle East and North Africa
- Gender, Sexuality and Law: Selected Topics
- Gender, Sexuality and Law: Theories and Methodologies
- International Investment Law
- Law, Rights & Social Change
- Law, Environment and Social Justice
- International Migration Law
- International Refugee Law
- Law, Environment, and the Global Commons: Ice, Sea, Space and Beyond
- International Environmental Law
- Law and the Biodiversity Crisis
- The Prohibition of Torture in International Law
- Water and Development: Commodification, Ecology and Globalisation
- Multinational Enterprises and the Law I
- Multinational Enterprises and the Law II
- Business and Human Rights in the Global Economy
- Comparative Company Law
- Israel, Palestine, and International Law
- Palestine, Resistance, and the Law
- Alternative Dispute Resolution I
- Law and the Climate Crisis
- International Protection of Human Rights
- Islamic Family Law
- Islamic Legal Theory
- Transnational Law, Finance and Technology
- Colonial Geographies of International Law
- Law and Society in The Middle East and North Africa
Guided Options List B
Up to 30 credits from List B
- Gender and the Law of War
- Human Rights of Women
- Law and Natural Resources
- Law, Religion, and the State in South Asia
- International Human Rights Clinic
- Human Rights and Islamic Law
- International Commercial Arbitration
- Law and Development in Africa
- Intellectual Property Law (PG)
- International laws on the use of force
- Foundations of International Law
- The Law of Armed Conflict
- Colonialism, Empire and International Law
- Water Justice: Rights, Access and Movements
- Comparative Constitutional Law
- Law and Society in Southeast Asia
- Law and Postcolonial Theory
- International Criminal Law
- Gender, Law and Society in The Middle East and North Africa
- Gender, Sexuality and Law: Selected Topics
- Gender, Sexuality and Law: Theories and Methodologies
- International Investment Law
- Law, Rights & Social Change
- Law, Environment and Social Justice
- International Migration Law
- International Refugee Law
- Law, Environment, and the Global Commons: Ice, Sea, Space and Beyond
- International Environmental Law
- Law and the Biodiversity Crisis
- The Prohibition of Torture in International Law
- Water and Development: Commodification, Ecology and Globalisation
- Multinational Enterprises and the Law I
- Multinational Enterprises and the Law I
- Business and Human Rights in the Global Economy
- Comparative Company Law
- Israel, Palestine, and International Law
- Palestine, Resistance, and the Law
- Alternative Dispute Resolution I
- Law and the Climate Crisis
- International Protection of Human Rights
- Islamic Family Law
- Islamic Legal Theory
- Transnational Law, Finance and Technology
- Colonial Geographies of International Law
- Law and Society in The Middle East and North Africa
Taxa de școlarizare a programului
Oportunități de carieră
SOAS Law graduates leave SOAS as civic-minded and critically engaged individuals who can effectively contribute to their communities and societies. With a thorough understanding of the legal dimensions underlying many of our global challenges today, our Law students are valued by employers due to their analytical skills, specialist knowledge, and global perspective.
Recent graduates have been hired by organisations including:
- Legea BLM
- BloombergNEF
- British Medical Association
- Clifford Chance
- DAC Beachcroft LLP
- Department for Work and Pensions
- EY
- HM Treasury
- Latham & Watkins
- Legal Cheek
- Avocații Simpson Millar
- The Economist
- Travers Smith
- Vodafone
- Fondul Mondial de Cercetare a Cancerului