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Aarhus University Master în Informatică - Specializare în Interacțiune om-calculator
Aarhus University

Master în Informatică - Specializare în Interacțiune om-calculator

Aarhus, Danemarca

4 Semesters


La zi

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Aug 2025

EUR 15.300 / per year *

În campus

* for non-EU/EEA students


Specializations in Computer Science

The master’s programme runs over two years with four semesters. Three semesters are dedicated to specialisations or electives. The last semester is for your master’s thesis, which some choose to write in collaboration with a company. Once enrolled, our programme manager will help you complete your master’s programme based on your interests.


  • Two 30 ECTS specializations


  • The recommendation is a 3rd specialization.
  • A small number of elective courses in computer science are offered in addition to specializations. Project work (partly) is also a possibility.
  • Elective courses may be supportive rather than core computer science, e.g. extra mathematics courses.
  • There may be requirements for the composition of the study program in connection with possible admission.
  • In this case, mandatory courses replace elective courses (partly).


  • Written within the area of specialization 1 or 2.

Specializarea interacțiune om-calculator*

Sem. I (toamnă): ) I nteractivitate și mediere informatică – concepte, teorii, metode, cazuri (10 ECTS)
Sem. 2 (primăvară): Proiectarea tehnologiilor interactive (10 ECTS)
Sem. 3 (toamnă): ) Interacțiune multimodală (10 ECTS) sau tehnologii interactive de inginerie (10 ECTS)

*Semesters are independent – and can be taken in any order


Taxa de școlarizare a programului

Despre Școală
